If you think picking on your cozy cup of morning coffee is crossing the line, I get it. Here’s the thing, caffeine is directly tied to our hormones, so if we are trying to get our hormones under control and keep our bodies strong, we need to control our caffeine intake too.
Consider caffeine as a “ON” switch to the stress hormone, cortisol. During perimenopause our fluctuating hormones cause cortisol to be already elevated. Although we need cortisol to perform, if cortisol is high at all times, it will cause weight gain around our middles and break down bone and muscle tissue.
Caffeine Benefits:
- Makes us feel more alert
- Allows us to perform at a higher level
- Helps the body use fat for fuel during a workout
What goes up must come down
All of that elevated performance time must be offset by rest and down-time to allow our stress hormones a break and give our body time to recover. Trouble is, when we keep pushing and don’t get that down time, it comes at a price.
The Caffiene-Cortisol spiral:
- We wake up tired and need caffeine to get going
- We perform at a high level all day with no rest
- Extra caffeine is needed to keep the pace
- At night sleep is poor – fitful, trouble falling to sleep, trouble staying asleep
- Spiral repeats from the top
Why does this cause belly fat?
- The body feels like there is a pending emergency, so it protects fat stores in case of famine.
- Poor sleep causes appetite to increase.
- Caffeine mutes appetite, so less food is consumed during active hours (the body must break down muscle and bone for fuel) and more food is consumed before bed and more likely to be stored as fat.
Benefits you may feel by decreasing caffeine:
- Better sleep
- Decreased inflammation
- Decreased hunger later in the day
- Less on-edge, jittery
- Fewer stomach / digestive issues
Side effects of decreasing caffeine while your body adapt to the change:
- Caffeine headaches
- Feeling tired
- More hunger in the morning (A good thing! This is when your metabolism is higher and you should be eating more food, as opposed to before bed)
How to help:
- Drink extra water
- Rest if possible
- Boost energy by taking a walk or moving
- Drink caffeine-free tea
- Eat well-balanced meals throughout the day
Many women in perimenopause feel frustrated because their bodies begin changing while their habits stay the same. Caffeine consumption is a great example of a health habit that, without changing, now affects our bodies differently.
Because caffeine is directly pushing our already high stress hormones higher, our bodies more quickly cross a point where we are doing more harm than good by propping ourselves up with caffeine.
Taking practice steps to replace caffeine consumption with positive health habits is far more successful than just trying to cut down or eliminate caffeine. Create a short list of go-to behaviors, like movement or caffeine-free drinks, you can fall back on when the urge to caffeinate strikes hard.
If you are over being frustrated by your body, are tired of being tired, and feel like everything you do makes things worse rather than better, it is time to learn how to take care of your body NOW!
Let me help.
If you are deep in the Perimenopause transition, you need to REWRITE YOUR SELF-CARE MANUAL with How to Powerup Peri/menopause: the Complete Guide
If you are Perimenopausal or menopausal and feel like you are constantly struggling with inflammation, bloating, exhaustion, constipation, and sudden weight gain. It is likely you suspect it is due to what you are eating, but don’t know what or how to change. You need the Powerup and Reset Program.
In perimenopause and menopause our hormones are totally different, so our approach needs to be different too.
Best news is, the approach we need does NOT include:
- Punishing amounts of exercise
- Starvation
- Unrealistic goals that take you way out of your comfort zone.
- Fasting
- Keto
It DOES include:
- Feeding ourselves the BEST foods on a regular basis to assure out body it is fed and cared for.
- Editing our exercise to make it efficient and effective so we don’t waste time spinning our wheels.
- Learning to apply easy and strategic self-care to help our hormones settle down.
Have you tried and failed to change your health in the past? Consider this:
- Now is the time to take your health seriously. What we do RIGHT NOW decides if we will spend our golden years sick and broken or thriving and enjoying life.
2. Just about EVERYTHING you read or see in Health Media is NOT designed for women in Perimenopause or menopause. Our hormones are DIFFERENT than men and younger women. Things that work for other people are likely to make things WORSE for you right now.
3. We cannot afford to waste time with-fast fix weight loss schemes that will likely cost us precious bone and muscle, cause us to gain belly fat, and can even cause us to become more at risk for heart attack and stroke.
Everything in How to Powerup Peri/menopause: the Complete Guide and the Powerup and Reset Program are designed for women in Perimenopause and Menopause to:
- Help you feel better RIGHT NOW
- Find your best health and make it last a lifetime
- Lose stubborn fat, especially in the belly
- Increase or preserve bone and muscle, the key to aging well
- Keep our cortisol levels down
- Decrease inflammation
If you have previously struggled to make real health changes stick, these are the programs for you.
Instead of presenting a bunch of information and leaving you overwhelmed, with no idea how to apply it to your life, BOTH COURSES are filled with BEHAVIOR CHANGE strategy, tips and tricks, and realistic advice that walk you through how to apply everything successfully into your life and maintain it for the long term.
These programs have been changing the lives of so many women. Why not let it be you?
Click here to take a look at these two programs
Select the course you want to know more about and click on FREE PREVIEW to read and watch lessons from the courses and see which one is right for you!