Women over 40 are the trickiest. Our bodies are at an all-time picky high during perimenopause and then once we are post-menopausal, we really feel like we can’t get a break.
Here’s the thing, yes it is our hormones. They are much different than our reproductive years.
BUT, with the right approach, we can work with the hormone levels we have and create our best health.
Here’s the deal. Just like our hormones are wacky and complicated, the reason you are resistant to weight loss is not straightforward either.
There are quite a number of behaviors we could be YOUR issue. After coaching loads of women in perimenopause and menopause, I have learned that although there is no single recipe for success that works for everyone, there is something specific we can find that is the key for YOU.
The trick lies in identifying your issue and then solving it in a way that fits in your life so you can keep it up for the long haul.
This can take time to figure out. Will it be possible to get you there in this one little article? We will try our best.
Let go of what “should” work
It can be tear-your-hair-out frustrating when you are nailing health behaviors that used to work like a charm only to have no progress at all or even more weight gain and inflammation.
It can’t be emphasized enough how different your hormones are beginning in perimenopause, which is 5-8 years before your final period, and then extending on after menopause for the rest of your life. So, what worked then, might fail now. Let go of the past and be open to learning what works now.
Start with what you already know
You live with your body 24/7, so you are the #1 expert when it comes to YOU. We will tune into that first.
What came into your mind when you read this title? Was there a little voice in your head that said, “She is probably going to say my issue is _____”? Or “I hope she doesn’t say I have to give up _______.” Or “I bet she wants me to start _____.”
If you had something like this in mind, take a look at that health behavior you are doing or not doing and ask yourself a couple of questions:
- What problem is this behavior solving? Or what is stopping me?
- What would it be like to stop/start this behavior?
- What would it be like to do this less? Or try it?
- What could I do instead?
Listen to your body’s talk
Your body is it’s own feedback mechanism. Become an expert at listening to the messages you are getting from your body. When you have bothersome symptoms like:
- Fatigue
- Achey Joints
- Flat Workouts
- Poor Sleep
- Puffiness
- Constipation
Look at what behaviors surrounded those episodes. What is happening before issues flare up? Just as important, what are you doing when you DO NOT have these issues?
Go for balance
Beginning in perimenopause, our bodies are less tolerant of extremes. Indulging in poor health choices feels worse, and likewise, punishing our bodies with starvation or over-exercising also fails. We can also be perfect with food and exercise and still hit a wall if our stress and sleep are out of wack.
Here are some extremes to avoid:
- Too much exercise
- Too little exercise
- A singe bout of exercise in an otherwise sedentary day
- Too much caffeine
- Too much food late in the day, not enough food during active hours
- Not eating to support workouts
- Not enough protein
- Sugar or other foods that cause inflammation
- Not enough sleep
- Too much stress
All of the above can cause our bodies to freak out, skyrocket cortisol, break down bone and muscle, and hold on to fat. We ladies are made for survival. Our bodies are smart AF. We need to feel coddled and cared for right now in order to let go of fat, and build bone and muscle.
Why an article like this sucks
That list is overwhelming (and it is only a partial list). Every item there is so important to dial in right now. Not only to feel good for your day-to-day, but also so you can be the most powerful and vibrant version of yourself as you age.
If you know you are off balance on one or more of those items, you have located the problem, but finding the right solution is vital. If you already knew how to fix it, you would have fixed it already!
What you can do about it
To make a successful health change you need to:
- Decide which health behavior needs changing
- Evaluate what you already do right and what needs work
- Pick specific actions to help move you closer to your goal
Complete this sentence:
I will do _______ instead of _________ when I ___________
Example: I will take a walk instead of sitting on the couch after I wash the dinner dishes
Example: I will take some fruit and veggies instead of a processed protein bar when I’m at my son’s swim meets.
Avoid looking at health media for the answer
Turning to free health media for answers will lead to confusion and frustration, because:
- Very little of what is reported in the health media is tailored to the needs of women in peri/menopause.
- Health headlines are often misleading.
- Fitness influencers are more concerned with collecting likes and views than your long-term health.
- It takes more than a couple of minutes in a reel, a pretty photo, or a couple of paragraphs to make true and lasting health changes.
What you may want to do
Now is the time to take your health seriously. If you had a major health event like heart attack, a stroke, a broken hip, an osteoporosis diagnosis, or type two diabetes, you would spend hours upon hours at the doctors and thousands of dollars working on your health.
What if instead of waiting for that to happen, you spent a couple of bucks and, at your convenience, you took a class designed specifically to help create your best health right now?
How to Powerup Perimenopause: the Complete Guide is the most cost-effective and convenient way for you to learn what you need to do to care best for your body in perimenopause and menopause.
What is included?
- Educational videos broken down into short, segments for quick watching or easy binging
- Comprehensive outlines for easy review without having to rewatch videos
- Journaling prompts based on the best health behavior change techniques
- Printable worksheets and visual aids to keep you motivated
- Sample meal plans and links to recipes
- Trouble shooting strategies
- Five workouts you can do at home
Topics covered:
- What is happening with your hormones
- How you use nutrition to support your changing body
- Exercise guidelines for perimenopause and menopause
- Sleep and Stress self-care strategies
- Guidance on how to effectively bring these recommendations into your life and create real change in your body
Why this is the best deal in town
This course is far underpriced to allow the greatest number of women access to a resource that can truly change their lives at a crucial time.
One month of coaching with me costs $199. It would take more than six months for me to begin to cover what is available in this course. That would come to $1,194!
I know what is out there. I have met coaches with similar background and specialties who charge $2,000 – $4,000 to work with clients. They offer some fancy lab work, but have disclosed to me that 95% of the time their lifestyle recommendations come back to exactly what I am offering in this course. AND they do not include the behavior change guidance that I am offering!
If I could choose for you a path to health right now, here is what it would be:
- Complete How to Powerup Perimenopause: the Complete Guide
- Spend a month on Powerup and Reset
- 1-2 months of one-on-one coaching to be sure you are entirely on track.
This would change your life in a total of 4 months or less.
The total cost for all would be:
$198 (Complete Guide) + $125 (Reset) + $199 (1 month coaching) = $522
I am willing to bet you spent more than that at Costco the last time you checked out.
It is hard for us to elect to spend money on ourselves. But, that complete package is a ridiculous deal for what you get.
For perspective, here are some pricier things:
- A visit to the cardiologist
- Your kid’s club sports monthly fees
- Airfare to almost anywhere right now
- A typical car payment
- A fancy purse
- A semester of college tuition
- Dinner at a fancy restaurant
- A concert ticket
- A bone density scan
- 2 months of membership at a fancy gym
- 1 night in a 3-4 star hotel
If you are ready to reframe your thinking about investing in your health, I am here and ready for you!
I have helped so many women change their lives. I would love for you to be next!
It is absolutely possible to look and feel your best right now.
You will never regret taking a positive step in the direction of health!
How Your Actions in Perimenopause will Determine Your Health for the Rest of Your Life