Can One Little Sentence Change Your Health?

Having a solid WHY is proven to motivate health-forward and lasting change.  Use this exercise to create a sentence that will help you stay on track.

What sticks out as your:

Positive priority – something you want badly to be able to do.

Negative priority – something you want badly to avoid

Try and consolidate those into 1-2 words, each being as specific as you would like to be.

For example:

Positive priority – Pain-free, able to exercise daily, relaxed, strong network of friends

Negative Priority – NOT 20 lbs heavier, struggling with sleep issues, on a new medication

What stands out on those two lists?  

Now try and craft a sentence by filling in the blanks:

I want to be __________

Ex: I want to be physically active, comfortable in my body, relaxed, and have fun.

I do NOT want to be _______

Ex: I do not want to be tired and dealing with physical problems all of the time.

Use your answers to fill in this sentence:

I am working on my health right now to create a body that feels________ and will allow me to _________ for the rest of my life.

Ex:  I am working on my health right now to create a body that feels energetic and light and will allow me to participate fully in life with minimal ailments for the rest of my life.

Post this Solid WHY somewhere visible.  You can stick it to your fridge, put it on a post-it next to your computer, in your car, or make it your phone’s home screen.  

This exercise is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of How to Powerup Perimenopause: the Complete Guide.  

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